Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Halfway Homemade Pizza!

Who doesn't love pizza? That's right, nobody.  Kaeley and I had our friend Cat over and made some amazing pizzas.  We bought the dough because A) we were lazy, and B) we were so hungry we couldn't have enough patience to make it ourselves.

We had three pizzas in the end.
The top: mushroom and pepper, the middle: bacon, spinach, avocado, and the bottom: BBQ chicken, onion and bacon.

We used our crockpot to cook chicken strips in BBQ sauce while Kaeley prepared the bacon, onions and sauces.

Then we chopped up all of our toppings and tried to stretch out the pizza dough, which isn't as easy as people who work in pizza places make it look.

We used regular tomato sauce on the veggie pizzas but used BBQ sauce as the base for our BBQ chicken pizza.  They take about 10 minutes in the oven at 350 degrees.  My favorite was the spinach avocado and the BBQ chicken pizza.  Definitely making more of these in the near future!

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